What is it?
The Perl Workshop is a day of presentations and encounters by and for Perl users with interesting content for new and experienced users of the Perl programming language.
Saturday, 7th of July: main workshop program
The technical presentations will take place on Saturday, 7th of July from 9.30 AM to 6 PM in the meeting room of the Stayokay Hostel in Arnhem. The day will be concluded with a joint barbecue as a workshop dinner.
Check here for prices and payment methods.
Friday: pre-event meeting
If you're interested, you can come already on Friday evening and join us for a visit of the hacker space Hack42, where Melinda will prepare dinner for us.
Sunday: tutorials
We have planned two tutorials for the Sunday after the workshop:
To attend a tutorial you need to register by 1st of July at the latest!