Dancer2 REST assured
By Theo van Hoesel (vanHoesel) from,,,
Date: Friday, 1 April 2016 13:45
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English
Tags: dancer rest
The sequel to 'Talking Heads...'
Designing an REST api for your projects is difficult enough, implementing the api should be simple.
Building a REST api is more then serialisation to JSON with Dancer2::Serializer::JSON or doing CRUD with Dancer2::Plugin::REST (which in so not RESTful, unlike it claims in the docs).
Using the Dancer2::Plugin::HTTP family of modules will help to implement your API design fully RFC compliant
Attended by: Arjen Laarhoven, Theo van Hoesel (vanHoesel), Abe Timmerman (abeltje),