Sponsoring the workshop

We try to keep the cost of Perl workshops low for participants, and sponsoring is of great help towards this aim. Below you'll find the various sponsoring packages and what you can expect to receive in return.

Your link and logo prominently displayed, a stand and advertising space

All sponsors will be displayed prominently on all pages and receive space to present themselves on our sponsors page. On the day itself you can present yourself, or your company, and you can bring and set up a stand (of reasonable size), but in this case please contact us by email to organisatie@perlworkshop.nl. In the programme folder you will receive at least half a page for an advertorial and a full-colour advertisement in another place. All other possibilities, such as the much desired 'goodie-bag', are yet to be discussed.

If the Perl community is dear to you, this is your chance to increase your visibility among Perl users!


Then contact us at: organisatie@perlworkshop.nl

The sponsoring packages

Platinum sponsoring

During the whole day, people rack their brains and study a lot of Perl code. That's why we provide ample opportunity for a copious lunch. The attendees will feel grateful for your contribution towards making this lunch possible. With good weather we might have lunch in the garden or strolling along the Utrecht canals and the attendees will receive a lunch package… - your lunch package?

  • Your contribution: €1,435 for the copious lunch
  • You receive: 3 workshop tickets, each worth €265
  • In programme folder on outside back cover, full-colour
  • Advertorial, 1 page.

Gold sponsoring

At the end of the day all attendees are invited to come to Grand Cafe Lebowski for a rich warm and cold buffet. We will make sure that both 'Gold sponsors' will be given plenty of attention during our socializing event.

  • Your contribution: €985 for one half of the warm and cold buffet
  • You receive: 2 workshop tickets, each worth €265
  • In programme folder on inside front cover, full-colour
  • Advertorial, 1 page.

Silver sponsoring

What's a Perl workshop without coffee, coffee and more coffee. Tea and other beverages will be available and of course snacks. Our three 'silver sponsors' make this possible en ensure that the attendees stay lucid and alert for the whole day.

  • Your contribution: €535 for the coffee breaks during the programme
  • You receive: 1 workshop ticket worth €265
  • Full-page advertisement, full-colour
  • Advertorial, ½ page.

Bronze sponsoring

The lowest sponsorship rank of a 'bronze sponsor' also has its benefits. The buffet in Grand Cafe Lebowski will be finished in style with a special dessert. A dessert that is only possible thanks to the sponsors, whose names will be presented once more at the end.

Please Note

Het organiseren van een Perl Workshop is alleen mogelijk door de inzet van vrijwilligers, die naast hun werk tijd en energie steken in dit evenement voor de Perl gemeenschap. Het kan zijn dat vanwege gebrek aan tijd of middelen enkele van de bovengenoemde sponsor-presentaties niet geheel waargemaakt kunnen worden. We zullen ons best doen om u als sponsor zoveel mogelijk aandacht te schenken als redelijkerwijze van de organisatie verwach kan worden. Organising a Perl Workshop is only possible because of the volunteers that put effort in it, that put time and energy into organising this event for the Perl Community. Because of lack of time or resources, it might happen that that some sponsor-presentations might not be fully accomplished. We will always try to give our sponsors as much exposure as that might be reasonable expected from us.