Za 5 maart 2011
 9h00-18h30 (+naborrelen)
  Binckhorstlaan 172
   Den Haag


"Rakud'oh!": Making our compiler smarter

Door Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎)
Datum: zaterdag 5 maart 2011 09:10
Duur: 30 minuten
Doelgroep: Gemiddeld
Taal: English
Tags: 6 compilers rakudo

The goal of the Rakudo Star release was to give people a Perl 6 distribution that allowed them to explore a wide range of Perl 6 features, use and write Perl 6 modules and start to write some useful programs in Perl 6. Of course, Rakudo Star wasn't all of Perl 6, nor was it suitable for many use cases. So, what are we doing to get closer to that target?

The next step is to make a Perl 6 implementation that is faster, more helpful, implements many of the missing features and has a much better handle on Perl 6′s language extensibility aims. Doing that entails making the compiler much smarter. Of note, it needs to become more aware of the context it is compiling code in, and more capable of smudging the boundary between compile time and runtime.

In this talk, I'll look at some of the specific improvements that we're currently working on, and the benefits that they will deliver for Perl 6 users.

Bijgewoond door: Maciej Czekay (‎Bruno‎), Sebastian Stellingwerff (‎webmind‎),