Za 5 maart 2011
 9h00-18h30 (+naborrelen)
  Binckhorstlaan 172
   Den Haag


StuwerCal - a communal iCal-Aggregator

Door Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) van,
Datum: zaterdag 5 maart 2011 10:05
Duur: 15 minuten
Doelgroep: Alle
Taal: English
Tags: dancer ical web

As part of a civic participation project I developed a smallish iCal-aggregator for the "Grätzl" I'm living in:

I'll show you how I built the site in a few hours with the help of Perl and CPAN (iCal::Parser, DBIx::Class, Dancer, DateTime, Template::Toolkit)

Bijgewoond door: Maciej Czekay (‎Bruno‎), Sebastian Stellingwerff (‎webmind‎),