Za 5 maart 2011
 9h00-18h30 (+naborrelen)
  Binckhorstlaan 172
   Den Haag


git / rt hacks

Door Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) van,
Datum: zaterdag 5 maart 2011 16:25
Duur: 15 minuten
Doelgroep: Alle
Taal: English
Tags: automation git rt

I'll show some scripts that make my coding life easier by integrating git and RT. Those scripts might not be the most beautiful, but they work!

PS: I'd also love to hear / see some other scripts/aliases etc, so if you use something fancy and/or funny, we might also do a session of "I show you mine, you show me yours" (code, of course!)

PPS: I've recently started to rewrite the core of the scripts using some Moose-base Meta-programming. I can also present this, but then the talk will definitly need 30 minutes

Bijgewoond door: Maciej Czekay (‎Bruno‎), Sebastian Stellingwerff (‎webmind‎),