Za 5 maart 2011
 9h00-18h30 (+naborrelen)
  Binckhorstlaan 172
   Den Haag


How I learned to stop worrying and love threads

Door Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎) van
Datum: zaterdag 5 maart 2011 13:30
Duur: 30 minuten
Doelgroep: Gemiddeld
Taal: English
Tags: perl threads

For almost a decade, Perl has had, a module based on a "fake forking" paradigm. Now, a new experimental module called threads::lite is available, based on concepts from the Actor Model and pattern matching.

Bijgewoond door: Maciej Czekay (‎Bruno‎), Sebastian Stellingwerff (‎webmind‎),